Are you ready for Spring?
With Winter wrapping up and Spring right around the corner there's a lot we can do to ensure our trees and shrubs are ready for the Spring season. Here's some advice on what you can do now.

Nutrients and organic soil products applied now help maintain a living soil which also provides whats needed for spring leaf development. (Applying now. Contact us to schedule)
Seasonal adjustments to watering schedules and inspecting your irrigation system to confirm its in top shape.
Relieving soil compaction helps roots receive the oxygen they need to remain vigorous growth.
Pruning to remove broken, dead and diseased limbs.
Correctly mulching beds and removing mulch and soil from the base of woody stem trees and shrubs so they don't rot.
Rake or mulch fallen leafs . If fallen leafs show signs of leaf spot its important to rake and remove them. They serve as a source of infection to this year's growth.
Its still a good time to plant trees and shrubs. Be sure to follow proper planting procedures and select a site that is suited for the particular species.
Schedule a visit with Green Tree & Shrub Care your I.S.A.Certified Arborist to complete a seasonal check-up.
Spring is a great time to be outdoors so set aside time to view some beautiful, Spring Wildflowers!